Credly Q&A

You might be wondering about Credly badges, how to obtain them, where to access your digital certificate, or how to create an account. Below, I’ll address common questions CBIC has received regarding digital badges and the complimentary digital certificate. 

  1. What is is a digital credential platform that allows individuals to showcase and share their achievements and skills through digital badges. 

  1. What are digital badges? 

Digital badges on are visual representations of skills, achievements, or certifications that can be shared online. 

  1. When will I receive my Credly badge? 

All candidates will receive a digital badge and complimentary digital certificate available through Credly from within five business days. If you do not receive your badge within the five business days, please contact the CBIC office via email: 

  1. What comes with a digital badge?  

Every digital badge comes with a complimentary digital certificate and a downloadable badge image. Your badge also provides a trusted method for real-time verification. 

  1. How do I access my complimentary digital certificate? 

To access your digital certificate, please follow these instructions

  1. What do I do if I haven’t received my Credly badge? 

Please review your spam folder, as Credly notifications may sometimes land there. Alternatively, double-check that the email listed in your application matches the one you’re expecting the Credly notification from. If you’re still not receiving your Credly badge notification, please contact CBIC via email  

  1. What can I do if I am unable to access my Credly account? 

Please make sure to use the email address you provided during your initial exam registration, as this is a common user error.  If you’re still unable to access your Credly account, please reach out directly to Credly support for assistance. To submit a request, click on this link:

  1. What are the benefits of having a digital badge? 

Digital badging allows CBIC certificants to promote their certification through social media, email, or print to their network/current/prospective employers. Additionally, your digital badge allows others to view and verify your credentials. 

  1. How can I order a printed copy of my CBIC certificate? 

If you are a new certificant, the Award Group will reach out to you via email within 30-days with a direct link for ordering your certificate.  If you’ve previously earned a CBIC certification and wish to order a certificate, please fill out the Certificate Request Order Form

  1. I just recertified – will I receive an updated digital badge?  

Yes, your existing Credly badge will reflect your new recertification expiration date. You’ll receive an email from Credly informing you that your badge has been updated. 

  1. I’ve updated my email, or I don’t have access to the email I used for CBIC registration – what should I do? 

If you can’t access the email linked to your Credly badge, please reach out to Credly directly or contact CBIC via email at CBIC will re-issue you a new Credly badge with the updated email. Alternatively, if you contact Credly directly, they will update your email and allow you to retain your original badge.